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    Registration Info

    Who can join the swim team?

    Swimmers of all ability aged 4-18 years as of May 1st of the current swim year are welcome to swim. Non-residents of the Williamsburg Settlement subdivision are welcome and encouraged to join. However, the WS Maintenance Association requires a one-time $20 usage fee per non-resident family. 

    Swimmers that participate in USA swimming events may be ineligible. For more information, please review the parent handbook under the Documents tab. 

    Please note that swim team participation is NOT a substitute for swim lessons. Your child must be able to be safely in the water at the side of the pool without direct coach contact. 

    Age Divisions

    Swimmers’ age as of May 1st determines the group they will participate in.

    The age groups are:

    6 & Under (Minimum age is 4)






    Early Registration: Swimmer fees during the early registration period are $125 per swimmer, with a $10 discount for each additional swimmer. (2nd swimmer is $115, 3rd is $105, etc.)

    Swimmers 13-18 are $75 and are ineligible for the multi-swimmer discount.

    Regular Registration: Swimmer fees during the regular registration period are $140 per swimmer, with a $10 discount for each additional swimmer.

    Swimmers 13-18 are $90 and are ineligible for the multi-swimmer discount.

    Late Registration: Please note that late registrants are not guaranteed a team shirt.

    Swimmer fees during late registration period are $165 per swimmer, with a $10 discount for each additional swimmer.

    Swimmers 13-18 are $105 and are ineligible for the multi-swimmer discount. 

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