WSST Volunteer Descriptions
All Volunteers MUST complete the online Athlete Protection Training. (Less than 10 minutes to complete). Follow the link below and register for Athlete Protection Training.
Referee/Meet Director
Requires approximately 2 hours of training every two years
(Arrive 30 minutes prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
Job Description from WHALe:
The Referee is responsible for holding a meeting before the meet begins with all officials (timers, judges, etc…) and coaches to review meet procedures. The referee:
a. Cannot disqualify or place swimmers.
b. Cannot over rule a judge, but can make suggestions if you believe they do not understand a rule. If needed, you have the authority to remove/replace any judge or timer.
c. Only speak to coaches about disputes, disqualifications, or questions. If parents and/or swimmers approach you; send them directly to their coach.
d. Maintains good sportsmanship during the meet.
e. Can remove swimmers for poor conduct or sportsmanship (foul language, disruption to the meet, etc…)
f. Parents can be removed by Referee and/or League Representatives (both teams agree).
g. Any ejections must be reported to League Vice-President in writing within 24 hours by the referee.
h. The referee will be at the finish line to observe the finish and check with stroke and touch/turn judges for disqualifications.
i. Keeps the meet running smoothly and quickly.
j. a.Coordinate with the Console table and the starter,giving the clear for start signal
Console Operator
Requires training each year
(Arrive 30 minutes prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
Job Description from WHALe:
Responsible for managing the Dolphin Wireless console and the Meet Manager Software.
a.Will receive the event timer sheets and are responsible for double checking automatic times against backup times.
b.Each team must have at least two certified console operators.Training sessions will be held in the spring of each year to train and refresh the console operators.In order to obtain certification,the console operators will be required to attend one of the training sessions each year.
Requires approximately 2 hours of training every two years
(Arrive 30 minutes prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
Job Description from WHALe:
The Starter will be responsible for charging false starts to swimmers. The starter will use a starting device, and only whistle in the event of a device failure. An individual's second false start shall result in disqualification, except for 6 & under events.
a. After receiving clearance from the referee, the starter instructs the swimmers, including the type of event. The starter then directs them to "take your mark" to which they must immediately respond by assuming a starting position. Sufficient time should follow "take your mark" to enable swimmers to assume starting positions, but no swimmer shall be in motion immediately before the starting signal is given.
b. When a swimmer does not respond promptly to the command "take your mark" or starts before the starting signal is given, the starter shall immediately release all swimmers with the command "stand up". Any swimmer who enters the water or backstroker who leaves the starting area shall be charged with a false start, except that a swimmer may be relieved of the charge if the false start was caused by the swimmer's reaction to the command "stand up".
c. All swimmers leaving their marks before the starting signal is given shall be charged with a false start, except that a swimmer who has false started because of the action or movement of another competitor may be relieved of the charge and a false start may be charged only to the offender who moved.
d. For backstroke starts, a false start may be charged to any swimmer who fails to maintain his feet and/or hands in a legal position after one warning.
e. For relay starts, a still start is required with feet touching some portion of the deck – no running, stepping or hop starts.
f. A swimmer may also be disqualified for deliberate delay or misconduct.
g. When the starting signal is given and one or more swimmers have obtained an unfair advantage, all swimmers shall be recalled at once by a second signal, and the starter shall indicate the swimmer(s), if any, who are charged with a false start.
Requires approximately 2 hours of training every two years
(Arrive 30 minutes prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
Stroke Judges
This volunteer observes the swimmers within each heat of the meet to ensure that their strokes are legal according to the SPSC swimming rules.
Job Description from WHALe:
A stroke judge will disqualify a swimmer who violates any stroke or kick rule, according to the following:
a. A 6 & under swimmer is not disqualified unless there is an unfair advantage. A 6 & under is allowed two (2) stroke infractions per race in the backstroke.
b. A 7-8 swimmer is allowed one (1) stroke infraction per race and/or relay leg.
c. All swimmers, including a 6 & under swimmer will be disqualified if they do not finish the race legally – i.e. on the back in the backstroke. This is a touch-turn infraction.
d. A swimmer who gains an unfair advantage by pulling on a lane rope or side of the pool, pushing off the pool's bottom or side (other than at the starting or finishing ends) will be disqualified.
Touch Turn Judges
This volunteer observes the swimmers within each heat of the meet to ensure that all turns and touches are legal according to the SPSC swimming rules.
Any violation of a turn, finish, or relay race rule will be disqualified.
Head Timer
(Arrive 30 minutes prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
Job Description from WHALe:
Responsible for backup stopwatches to record swimmers' times.
a. There are two Head Timers standing on either side of the pool. Each Head Timer has two stopwatches. One Head Timer is responsible for lanes 1, 2 and 3 and the other is responsible for lanes 4, 5 and 6.
b. At the start of the race, both stopwatches are started at the flash of the starting system.
c. Look towards the Timers to see if any hands are raised. If you see a hand raised, quickly deliver one of your stopwatches to him/her. Make sure you take the Timer’s old stopwatch.
(Arrive 1 hour prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
A WHALe meet requires three timer/writers at each lane. Each volunteer will be responsible for timing a swimming lane throughout the swim meet. This is how the finish places are determined. The Timer/Writer will be given a stopwatch or a clipboard to record each swimmer's time. They will be trained by the Timer chairperson on how to operate, read and record a time from a stopwatch. After the timers capture the time for each swimmer, they will then write all three times on the time sheet. They will then give this time sheet to the designated RUNNER. These volunteers get a GREAT SEAT! There will be back up and replacement timers where possible.
Job Description from WHALe:
Timers record swimmers time during the meet:
a. Visiting team timers will have two timers in the even lanes and one timer in the odd lanes and home team timers will have two timers in the odd lanes and one timer in the even lanes.
b. The timer will be assigned a lane. The assigned lane is the only lane for which the timer has any responsibility.
c. The timer is to sit at the end of the pool in his/her lane with 2 other timers. Only one person will be assigned to record the swimmer’s time on a timing slip clipped to a clipboard.
d. Make sure the stopwatch is at 0.00 (reset). Listen for the Starter to start the race. Watch the starting system for the start of the race. There is a light that will flash and a beep that will sound when the race is started. Since light travels faster than sound, stopwatches are started as the light flashes. The Starters usually says, “Swimmers take your mark!” Then the starting system will be activated.
e. Check the stopwatch to make sure it started.
f. As the swimmer approaches the end, get up, stand as close to the pool’s edge as possible, and watch as the swimmer finishes his/her race. The race is finished when he/she touches the wall with ANY part of his/her body. This can be the head, hand, fingernail, etc.
g. The moment the swimmer touches the wall, stop the stopwatch.
h. Return to seat and the Recorder will record the times off the stopwatches onto the timing slip. The Recorder will also write the swimmer’s “identification number”, lane, event number, and heat number on the timing slip. The swimmers will have these id numbers written on their hands.
i. Timers do not circle any time. The computer will take care of this.
j. After one page of events is completed, a runner will pick up the page and take them to the scoring table.
k. Clear the stopwatch. Get ready for the next race.
l. Repeat.
(Arrive 30 minutes prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
Job Description from WHALe:
Runners pick up timing slips from the Timers at the end of each race.
a. Keeping the cards together, go to the scoring table and paper clip them.
b. Make sure the scorers know the cards are there.
c. Go back to the where you started and repeat.
(Arrive 30 minutes prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
These volunteers will receive heat result labels from the console/scoring table and attach the label to the correct ribbon. The ribbons will then be sorted by team.
(Arrive 1 hour prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
Stands by the lane start to make sure swimmers are in the correct Heat & Lane position. Works with the "Ready Bench" volunteers and coaches with questions and/or changes.
Swimmer Communications
(Arrive 1 hour prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
Responsible for using a bullhorn and heat sheet to relay upcoming events tot he Ready Bench area.
Ready Bench
(Arrive 45 minutes prior to the meet start time – until every swimmer in your assigned age group finishes swimming)
Responsible for your group of swimmers the ENTIRE MEET or until your age group is completely finished (6 & under only).
a. Check in swimmers. If any swimmer is unaccounted for, inform Coach and Poolside immediately for any changes.
b. Go through your copy of the Meet Heat Sheet; highlight any event that pertains to your age group.
c. Instruct swimmers that they are not to leave the Ready Bench Area without checking in with a “Ready Bench” volunteer. (bathroom breaks, snack bar, etc.). Swimmers are required to stay at “Ready Bench Area” until they are completely finished with all of their events. Swimmers must be checked out by their parent who must communicate with the “Ready Bench” volunteer prior to leaving the Meet. Exception for older age groups, but still need to check out prior to leaving.
d. Prior to your Event #, have swimmers lined up in correct Heat and Lane # position. Inform swimmer of their event info (Stroke and Lane # position) Words of encouragement are appreciated! Walk those swimmers only to the “Poolside” volunteer. Any swimmer NOT swimming that Event will remain at the Ready Bench Area.
e. Pick up swimmers at the finish line and wait until all your swimmers “Heats” have been completed for that Event. Take swimmers to Ready Bench Area and go back for Ribbons later.
f. It is very IMPORTANT to make sure you know where your swimmers are at all times. We do not want them to miss any Event. This is not just an individual competition, but a TEAM competition and everything counts!
Water Courier (Home Meets Only)
(Arrive 30 minutes prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
Will provide water bottles to Volunteers (Timers, Judges, Starter, Referee) and Coaches during the Meet.
Concessions (Home Meets Only)
(Arrive 45 minutes prior to the meet start time – until meet end)
Sell Concessions during the entire Meet. Responsible for set up and take down.