Swimmer Expectations
Ready Bench Expectations for Swimmers
1. Be respectful and show good sportsmanship at all times to everyone.
2. Check in with your Ready Bench Volunteer as soon as you arrive.
3. Stay in your Ready Bench area unless you are lined up for a race or swimming.
4. You must have permission from your Ready Bench Volunteer to leave the area for any reason, including: restrooms, concessions, see your parent(s), watch another race, etc.
5. Be responsible. Have everything you need for your meet and keep it organized.
6. Keep your Ready Bench area clean. Food and Trash Litter is not only disrespectful, it attracts ants and bees.
7. Accept your ribbons graciously from your Ready Bench Volunteers. We understand the emotions of personal disappointment; but that is the best time to show your true sportsmanship.
8. Bring quiet and restful activities to keep yourself entertained. Swim meets are not the time for wall ball, tag, frisbee, etc. Save your energy for your race.
9. The most important part of Ready Bench is making sure you do not miss your event. It is impossible to line up swimmers with loud, disrespectful, or missing swimmers. Ready Bench Volunteers are giving their time for YOU. You should give them your cooperation and attention.
10. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy snacks. If you choose to purchase candy, chips, soda, etc. from the concessions, it is a good idea to save them for after your last event.
11. Your parent(s) may check on you in your Ready Bench area, bring you food/water, apply sunscreen/bug repellant, etc. Guest are not allowed to “hang out” in the Ready Bench area. This area is for Swimmers ONLY and the Ready Bench Volunteers in charge of them. Similarly to other sports, like baseball, fans in the stands and team in the dugout.