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Become a 2025 Dolphin Sponsor!

Interested in becoming a sponsoring partner of the Williamsburg Settlement Swim Team?

Our team consists of more than 150 swimmers representing 100+ families from the north Katy area. 

For more information on team sponsorship, please contact one of our sponsorship coordinators:

Ready to sponsor the team? Please use this link. 

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WSST Dolphins Store

  1. WSST Hat  - SwimOutlet Snapback Trucker Hat
  2. Sporti HydroLast Sonar Waves Thin Strap One Piece Swimsuit (22-40)
  3. Sporti HydroLast Sonar Waves Thin Strap One Piece Swimsuit Youth (22 - 28)
  4. Sporti HydroLast Sonar Waves Jammer Swimsuit (22-40)
SwimOutlet Team Store
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