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Volunteer Sign Up

Login to your account (upper right corner)

Go to Meets - Swim Meets

Complete "Job Sign-Up" for the volunteer shifts

Click on a "Job Sign-Up" for a meet you would like to volunteer at

Choose from yourself or your spouse to "sign-up for jobs"

Click on what job you would like. If you hover your mouse over the "i", you can see what the job description is.

Go to the bottom of the page and "save assignments"

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WSST Dolphins Store

  1. WSST Hat  - SwimOutlet Snapback Trucker Hat
  2. Sporti HydroLast Sonar Waves Thin Strap One Piece Swimsuit (22-40)
  3. Sporti HydroLast Sonar Waves Thin Strap One Piece Swimsuit Youth (22 - 28)
  4. Sporti HydroLast Sonar Waves Jammer Swimsuit (22-40)
SwimOutlet Team Store
Display a link to a SwimOutlet Store
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